Button Item

The button item is a button that can be connected to any function in your smart contract. When the button is clicked, that function will be executed. The button item will also include input fields for every function parameter.

If a payable function is selected, there will be an option to provide a price in Eth. For example, if there was a mint payable function in your smart contract that collected a certain amount of eth from the msg.sender (address calling the function or in more simple terms, the wallet address of whoever clicked on your button), you would set this same amount as the function price.


Button Label

Button label

Placeholder #

Placeholder for function input

Success Message

Text that will be displayed below the button after function is executed successfully.

Error Message

Text that will be displayed below the button after function is executed successfully.

Function Price in Eth

Eth charged to address for running the function. (This option is only available for payable functions)

Last updated